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Web Solutions

Integrated Workplace Management
Integrated Management for Multiple workplaces with one ID
A number of workplace is managed directly from major, medium and medium-sized construction companies to small interior companies. It can also manage all workplaces participated as partners.
Various Worker Attendant Devices Interworking
Device interworking for various models and authentication methods sis available.
It is possible to link worker attendant devices of various models sold by the company and of various authentication methods by other companies.
Mobile Worker Attendant App. Support
It supports mobile Worker Attendant App. (face recognition) that is easy to carry and move.
The mobile Worker Attendant App. can be used by paying the monthly fee. The initial input cost is low, and only the number of authentications used is paid. Used mobile device can be used as it is.
Worker Cost Collection/Settlement, LaborCost.com Interworking
Worker cost is automatically collected and settled, and if necessary, it is operated in conjunction with LaborCost.com.
The weekly/monthly worker cost is automatically collected, inquired on the web system and downloaded from as an Excel file. Workers collect and check their settlement details for multiple sites.